When you suggest that “the western liberal democratic order is utterly corrupt” and you have some magical software that can be used to fix the situation, I believe you’re inexplicably ignoring that giant elephant of “all-the-other-systems”. I just chose a couple of the most powerful.
It would seem that if you were concerned generally with bettering the world, you would start with the worst parts and try to apply your magical solution there. However, I do understand if your implication is that you’re fine with leaving these as they are, since these are a way bigger and more difficult projects and you also have zero chance of getting money for even trying.
As for your other points…
I couldn’t agree more that the USA needs some serious change. Getting rid of the the electoral college first, creating gerrymander proof mechanisms to determine electorates, requiring that both House and Senate need to approve Supreme Court justices with 2/3 majorities, making all state court appointments via the same process as the foregoing, reversing several Supreme Court decisions, for example, on guns, Citizen’s United, etc., making voting easy and mandatory…and on and on.
But, that’s just the political system. As for what this has to do with Blockchain/Crypto/DDLTs: beats me. It’s just software. And, as one who knows that particular world very very well, if you know it at all and read my article then you know why it’s primarily inhabited and promoted by (mostly) “Libertarians”. Check out Wikipedia on it and go back and read up on this and re-read Satoshi’s white paper and all the email threads of his (https://satoshi.nakamotoinstitute.org/) and you could even go hog-wild and read Murray Bookchin’s “Post-scarcity Anarchism”, as well, for additional info on the philosophical history of some of his ideas.
As for Switzerland: population 8.57mm, is about the size of Vermont and New Hampshire together. 25% of their population has no right to vote. The last canton to give women the right to vote was Appenzell in November 1990. The first time women got to vote was in Vaud in February 1959.
I mentioned your wonder at CH’s system in this morning’s conversation with my long-time Swiss friend and colleague. He laughed and TLDR. As for voter participation, Americans are 4th from last as a percentage. Guess who is dead last? Switzerland.
Can’t really carry this on. But this should help you get a start. If not, well then…
Stay well, stay safe and stay informed. Tscheussle.