Well, there are a couple "insiders" pointing to the bad actors. Jackson Palmer, the creator of the now much imitated "DogeCoin" has. To no avail, because the whole space is based on fraud and there is vast amounts of dirty and now "clean" money sloshing about:
- no scalability
- decentralization in 2 ways: 1) if it ever existed, it would be a very BAD thing for liberal democracy, human rights, rule of law, etc. and be wonderful for the criminal class, as it largely is now
- decentralization is a complete fiction/fraud in so many ways, yet even the 2 most obvious are completely "ignored": 1) programmers have access to change code for every project 2) most of the newer large projects (eg., DFinity/AndreesenHorowitz) EMPLOY all the people working on them. 3) Infrastructure