Of course, this is pure nonsense, since there is no basis for a projection, since there is only a guess. No earnings, no customers, no costs and not even a model that would have any basis other than pure guess. One thing there is nearly certain: A black swan event.
But as a reality check nevertheless:
A rise to $500,00 is a 12 fold increase. Which is not really that spectacular even if it did happen.
In Google's most recent decade, it has gone up 8 fold.
In Facebook's most recent decade, it has gone up 8 fold, too
in Amazon's most recent decade, it has gone up 195 fold.
The good thing is, you can actually look at the earnings and customers and costs and business margins and model and explain these performances. And, apart from government anti-trust actions, you can be close to 100% certain the nothing will acutely affect their values to drive them to ZERO.
On the other hand, BTC is ripe for a number black swan events.
So, someone... please provide the basis for making any projection on crypto, please feel free.
And take into account first the range of events that can completely wipe it out:
1. China has completely outlawed owning or transacting in crypto. And might very well shutdown 66% of the mining.
2. The rise of national digital currencies.
3. The permissioned software developers make an error to the the tech.
4. The permissioned software developers are blackmailed into breaking or modifying the platform.
5. The NATO alliance agreeing to outlaw it
There are more, but this should be enough to assure at least one or more of these is highly likely in the next 10 years.