My prognosis is the type of assemblage of facts. Which one(s) do you disagree with?
1. China is a totalitarian society?
2. China has outlawed it’s citizens trading/using crypto?
3. China accounting for 96%+ of mining rig and rig IC design, manufacture, and use/production?
4. China itself and its operations in Mongolia accounting for 66%+ of block validation/creation
5. China’s announced intention of freeing itself from the dollar and the dollar system to be able to act with impunity without the threat of sanctions?
And it is misinformation (aka nonsense) that renewables are account for much of crypto mining. This link will give you a clearer picture of the facts:
Of course, it is unprovable that just because troops and arms are massed on a border they are going to strike. But it is a more than reasonable assumption.
I know lots of people desperate for something they “can believe in” to make them rich has a lot of buying power, along with investment advisors/profiteers driving this it, too, it adds up to a lot of momentum. Add in illicit activity (blood diamonds, oil, ore, wildlife, etc), the original source of demand, and things are really moving fast. But where?
The facts are the facts. Where this goes will not be good for western liberal democracy and good governance. And the winners of this will not accept anything but giving up that history.