Let’s just point out things and see how this looks.
“Of course,they also have not been as thoroughly propagandized in an anticummunist sense.”
So, let me think. It would be better to be pro-communist? Or have a kinder view of Marxism-Leninism?
“NATO a threat to world peace”. Well, I guess you’re right if we assume that Russia and China are newly intervening on elections in the West and crushing all democratic movements at home. Russia is moving to make the artic nuclear and pushing new weapons systems and repudiating old agreements. And it also doing everything it can to disrupt the move to renewables since it has a single source economy: oil and gas.
And China is taking over the South China sea and not just militarizing it, it is also a major eco-threat by destroying reefs to build bases there. Not to mention its fishing fleets that are raping the oceans.
And Russia is supporting moving deeper into undermining the EU via direct political investments in Hungary, Slovakia, Czechia and the Balkans and even financially backing UKIP and related parties and Marine LePen in France.
Yeah. The USA is really a bad actor. It should just relax, sit back on its happy continent and let things be and, as before, all will be well.
And, most baffling: “hysteric propaganda of the Rachel Maddow type”. Boy, I would like to hear that. I suppose then that you’re a fan of Sean Hannity and the Murdochs.
Well, that really makes clear what you’re about.