Let's give some color to the statements here:
"However, once you have fully gone down the Bitcoin rabbit hole, it is similar to becoming enlightened or mastering a course, and your way of thinking about Bitcoin changes forever."
--The phrasing of this remark accidentally points out exactly what you are doing when you “become englightened” about Bitcoin: you go down a rabbit hole… which is the experience of being lost and upside down.
"Even with some banks offering higher interest rates than they have in several years, it isn’t enough to outpace inflation. "
--Banks’ interest rates sometimes do offset inflation, sometimes don’t and sometimes keep pace with it. But still it’s a meaningless statement since wage growth and rising standards of living and economic efficiency are what matters vis a vis inflation. Lots of securities rise fast than inflation. So? See the cost of a hamburger 100 years ago and the average persons daily wage. (NB: It’s called real economics instead of Crypto Ideology)
"Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous Bitcoin inventor(s), designed it for use in daily transactions."
--Yes, that is what crypto was supposed to be. Instead it has become a speculative asset.
"The people with the most conviction in Bitcoin understand that it is the best way to save their money. While there will be some bad years when the value of BTC decreases. Overall, Bitcoin has performed incredibly well outpacing inflation."
--Yes, all you may need is more conviction. And, hopefully, a consistently perfect timing of cashing out into USD or EUR in order to use the money before it goes down again.