Joseph H Sadove
3 min readJun 11, 2021


I’m not really sure what world you expect/live in.

The Taliban were the main shelterers of Al Qaeda and were themselves medieval-style religious murderers. I presume you are not a woman, but if you were, would you approve of being a woman under Taliban rule?

Or are you the ultimate zookeeper of the world where behavior such as honor killing, beheading, cutting off hands, etc. is a cultural entitlement and is OK or just plain let to be?

As for war-crimes, well, I would definitely agree we should have held Bush and most of all Cheney accountable. Most of all for the Iraq invasion and Abu Ghraib. Going in there on the pretexts was not so much a crime, but a huge mistake carried out as a lie. But, for all I know, you’re a fan of the Hussein family. Hussein’s regime deserved to be shutdown, but the way it was done… totally wrong.

But, I ask again: should we or the world just sit by and let the atrocities that go on in Iraq or other such places be?

You have to answer this question rather than curl up around your warm “everything USA does is a crime”.

As for the Soviet Union…. You either give yourself away as a Russian apologist (agent?) or?

The Russians did a fine job starving between 3 and 7 million people in Ukraine. And that excludes what was done to their own people and the various Soviet states… estimated at another 3 million. And leaving aside a lot of other misdeeds, Russia’s Afghan war killed upwards of 2 million Afghans and pushed many other millions into surrounding countries. As bad as the USA has been (more inept than bad though), the Russians win the atrocity contest by a lot.

The Crimea was originally all Tatars but the Russians annihilated them over time, And, yes, did take over the Crimea. Ukraine, like many of the Soviet states, exited with the dissolution of the USSR empire and became an internationally and by Russia recognized country. And the proposition was on the table to have a referendum but Putin decided he was tired of living without the empire so he’d just violate international law for no other reason (he wasn’t attacked or threatened by Ukraine) that that he was invade and take It back. Chechnya is another similar pursuit. Official death toll is minimally estimated to be 160,000. But all good with you I suppose.

As for Russia “helping win the war”… First of all: The USA was not attacked by Nazi Germany. The USSR was after it signed a peace agreement with the Nazis, remember? So, by any definition, the USSR was helped by the USA. And that is apart from the massive arms and food transfers to the USSR. And the USA fought on virtually every front in the war. The Russians stayed home.

As for our troubles over here… I could only dream we had (certainly at this point in history) as stable and fair and properly functioning democracy and civil service as Germany.

But that somehow doesn’t change the fact that you’re just some leftover USA-Hater/Putin Lover. And I usually push back big time on our idiots over here when the start squawking about how Europe/Germany not carrying its weight in defending democracy around the world. But people like you still scare me (particularly coming from Ossis … maybe that’s you) that the old primitive anti-Americanism could still push Germany into the Putin model. AfD is the new left-wing SPD mixed with Ossi resentment.



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