If you die and you have not shared the password and keys to someone you trust and that person knows what to do.... WELL YEAH.
Just when I thought I had run out of examples of how terrible crypto and the whole cultish belief system surrounding it is....
So, let's see:
If you share this information with someone and don't complement that by USING THE LEGAL SYSTEM that is NOT ON THE BLOCKCHAIN, well then, you have just learned a very important lesson about the nonsense of crypto: "Decentralization", "Security", "Trust"..... all are crap with Crypto, since believing in these psalms requires that you actually only have recourse when something goes wrong to the system that is (wait for it...) "CENTRALIZED".
What actually does provide security and assures desirable and fair outcomes: your political and legal system.... the thing that crypto is supposed to disintermediate.
Your money and your life are only as secure and comfortable the more you create, support and continuously improve your political and legal system. Evading it with chants of "blockchain" will only put you into a trance where you can be killed for your money and your perpetrators can get away more easily.
Ah...the silliness never stops even when it kills you.
Start reading here: https://www.nybooks.com/articles/2023/06/08/the-price-of-crypto-the-cryptopians-laura-shin/