Completely agree. And here is the narrative that needs correcting as well:
“Bitcoin was born out of a crisis (2008) and has been battle-tested recently. I believe in its long-term thesis. But if you’re using the money you need in the short term, you’re playing with a hot potato.”
Let’s point out (yet again) the problematics of the standard catechism (seen here) about BTC:
1. BTC is a peer-to-peer cash system. The only place it functions as this in any volume is still on the Darkweb. This was the original stated intention, but has been entirely superseded by becoming a cross between (oddless) gambling and investing.
2. Bitcoin was supposedly born 18-Sep-2008 (via the domain name registration), three days after Lehman Brothers collapsed. Just 45 days later, “Satoshi’s” paper was published and just 3 months after publishing the paper the code was released. This makes it highly unlikely at best that the creation of Bitcoin had any direct relationship with the bank failures. That Satoshi decided to tie the creation to the crash is related to the Times quote embedded in the genesis block. This was surely an after-the-fact act that may even point to any number of motivations that we now see surfacing more clearly in the movement among autocrats to separate (as it were) from the “tyranny” of the western liberal democratic order and the super power of its currencies (formerly just USD but now includes EURO).
3. The short of it is, the “project” of eCash and all the ideas of digital privacy had been around since the early 1980s and many/most of the ideas were taken from that project. The main ideological thrust of all of these folks had nothing to do with fractional reserve banking or inflation concerns. It was all about privacy.